Thursday, April 21, 2011

Summer sun, green grass, lakeshores, pure bliss :)

Old artwork from May and July 2008

Rolling in the Deep.

I've been training for a half marathon in June and I must say my body is killllling me. Running has become more enjoyable than it ever has, however I also dread it too. I wonder if this is what professional athletes, specifically runners, go through when training. Not that I should compare my daily run to any kind of professional training for some millionaire athlete.

Tonight is the orientation meeting for WorkART, and I'm excited to get the ball rolling. My plane ticket has been purchased, my housing arrangements have been made, and now I find out more details about the program. This has been such a different experience to what my first study abroad program was when I went to Greece. SPAN, the research abroad program, had two meetings and individual group meetings throughout the year. I was living with a group of six in Athens, Greece, and we all became a big family, learning the city together. With WorkArt, everything is so much more independent. Everyone will be staying in different cities throughout Germany. Once we travel over the Atlantic by ourselves, there isn't much interaction with the group except for online communication. Crazy. I'm pumped! :) With graduating soon and thinking about traveling to a new part of the States (or new part of the world), this opportunity to go to Germany for a month and a half by myself will help the transition. I'll get a taste of independence with work involved, and it's really wonderful to have this amazing chance!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I blinked and became old.

To begin this blog, I should probably give some background information on the life of Anna B. I am a college student about to finish my undergraduate experience and move out into the real world. Scary, no? Those four years (now being pushed to 4.5 years...) will soon be completed, which is unreal to me. Where did the time go? I remember my move-in day in August 2007 when I was in awe of such an enormous campus, the overwhelming student body, and all the opportunities generating from my new independence.

And future plans? As of now, it consists of filling my days with graduate applications, finding work (lots and lots of work) and all together just enjoying life. I believe an individual should never be completely swamped with work because you'll miss the whole picture of what life really should be about. For me now, I hope to find a graduate program that will provide a supportive faculty, creative, inspiring peers, and a comfortable life in a new city. 

My college days thus far have been unforgettable. I have been truly blessed with perfect friends and family, a loving man, a stable job, a strong arts program, and the opportunity to travel. And traveling is why I am starting this blog. I will participate in WorkArt Kunstverein, a new art internship program that sends university art students to Germany for 4-8 weeks during the summer. My time will be spent in Bad Doberan and Rostock during mid-July to the end of August. Learning about this program so late in the school semester, I'm both shocked and ridiculously excited to be participating as an intern. Only once in a lifetime does something like this occur, especially with the financial assistance I will be receiving. All in all, I'm incredibly appreciative of CGES's, Barbara Wolbert's, and the WorkART program's unbelievable support.